Ines Seidel: with notes
drager meurtant: Rembrandt Portrait of a man sitting at a desk.
Teteel: Κατερίνα Γώγου 1 Ιουνίου 1940 - 3 Οκτωβρίου 1993
drager meurtant: Karin Sander - Mailed Painting 143
Melania Damianou: finding a page
Ines Seidel: manifesto
minions & myrmidons: odds are stacked
drager meurtant: Bonne Journée
mluisa_: archivio
drager meurtant: across the table
Melania Damianou: theory of civilization
drager meurtant: Behind his desk
albicocca1: P1110308
diahisi: the garden of words
Melania Damianou: miracles of the world
Melania Damianou: into that world inverted
drager meurtant: Clipping
drager meurtant: Longing (at some distance)
drager meurtant: Archival hole
drager meurtant: About Agression (Lorenz)
betulvargun: milan kundera
vavoir: From an old sketchbook, re-discovered. Jim Jarmusch quote
Melania Damianou: a letter and a book