Eric83400: Tournepierre.
perhäggström: Bullfinch, female
PascalBo: Boat and limestone peaks in the Van Long Nature Reserve - Ninh Binh Province - Vietnam
James_Preece: Whiskered Tern
Rolf_52: Cranes at Lake Hornborga
RainoL: High above the Dolomites, 20111014
Rebeccalovesbirds: Lesser Yellowlegs, Billy Frank Jr. Nisqually NWR, near Tacoma Washington
aiglonne: Macreuse à front blanc - Melanitta perspicillata - Surf Scoter
holdinghausenm: Unterwegs im Ampermoos einem internationalen Schutzgebiet (Ramsar Convention)
James_Preece: White-bellied Sea-eagle
Greg Shchepanek: Overlooking the Duckweed
Greg Shchepanek: Peaceful & Almost Serein
James_Preece: White-necked Heron
James_Preece: Glossy Ibis
Greg Shchepanek: Over the Shoulder
Greg Shchepanek: Wetlands of Vermont
James_Preece: Baillon's Crake
James_Preece: Baillon's Crake
James_Preece: Baillon's Crake
James_Preece: Royal Spoonbill
Eric83400: Aubrac, milan royal.
aiglonne: Combattant varié - Calidris pugnax - Ruff
yaruman5: Eye of Cyclone Laurence destruction
un regard naturaliste: balbuzard pêcheur, canton de Vaud, septembre 2023
Sergio Ali - Naturaleza en imágenes: Jaaukanigás nocturno...
aiglonne: Phalarope à bec étroit - Phalaropus lobatus - Red-necked Phalarope
James_Preece: Nankeen Night Heron