kathyliu1990: The girl of the French railway station
kathyliu1990: "Always look at the bright side of life, if there is no bright side,wait until the future turns to light."
kathyliu1990: Colour of autumn
kathyliu1990: Santiago
kathyliu1990: Keep your face to the sunshine and you can not see the shadow. 一 Helen Keller
kathyliu1990: Halloween Memorial
kathyliu1990: Write your sad time in sand, write your good time in the stone. -- George bernard shaw
kathyliu1990: IMG_5276-01
kathyliu1990: "A bitter end is much better than bitterness without an end"
kathyliu1990: The sea melted into the sky
kathyliu1990: "The great pressure in life is doing what people say you can not"
kathyliu1990: Whatever happen tomorrow, we've had today
kathyliu1990: "All happy families resemble one another. Each unhappy family is unhappy in it's own way."
kathyliu1990: "I used to rule the world, seas world rise when i gave the world."
kathyliu1990: This is where all dreams begin. -- THE BFG
kathyliu1990: Notre Dame de Paris
kathyliu1990: "Do not ask for the moon and more, we already have the stars."
kathyliu1990: There was never a night or a problem, that could defeat sunrise of hope. - Bernard Williams
kathyliu1990: The world doesn't just disappear when you close your eyes. - Memento
kathyliu1990: Venice time
kathyliu1990: While there is life, there is hope.
kathyliu1990: Everyone's heart is a piece of sea, shining bottomless blue
kathyliu1990: "Your inexperience is an asset and will allow you to think in original and unconventional ways"
kathyliu1990: Medication in palace of Versailles
kathyliu1990: Don't ask for the moon any more, we already have the stars.
kathyliu1990: The Ambleside Park of Vancouver
kathyliu1990: The superme happiness of life is the conviction that we are loved. - Victor Hugo
kathyliu1990: New Westminster Cathedral in England.
kathyliu1990: Some flower could not be kept In captivity, because they belong to the sunshine.
kathyliu1990: "I loved the way a photo could capture a moment before it was gone."