catchnumber22: Flower Stamens
catchnumber22: Key textures
Brian M Hale: 1-watermark
Wilson Hara: 2020-07-14_11-26-45
Brian M Hale: Who's that over there?
Brian M Hale: helping a honeybee
Brian M Hale: Wool Carder Bee
Brian M Hale: Wool Carder Bees Mating
Brian M Hale: sweat bee
Brian M Hale: mating wool carder bees
Brian M Hale: 3-watermark
Brian M Hale: Busy Bees 1
Brian M Hale: "don't stand so close to me"
Wilson Hara: IMGEM_9387
Wilson Hara: IMGEM_9375
Brian M Hale: hamming it up
Brian M Hale: 1-watermark
Brian M Hale: 2-watermark
Brian M Hale: comin' atcha!
Brian M Hale: If you keep making that face...
Brian M Hale: 2-watermark
Brian M Hale: 3-watermark
Brian M Hale: 1-watermark-L
Brian M Hale: 9-watermark
Brian M Hale: "Oh dear, I think I left the windows open""
Brian M Hale: 3-watermark
Brian M Hale: ah-BRRZZZZZZZZZ!!!!!! !
Brian M Hale: 4-watermark-L
Brian M Hale: Gray Hairstreak