alexphoto99: a small lizard ina big world
marco.silvioli: Gubbio at the sunset
alexphoto99: dead flower
alexphoto99: the only limit is that you put yourself
alexphoto99: the way to nowhere
alexphoto99: the old things are not dead
alexphoto99: water drops
alexphoto99: dead leaves
alexphoto99: drops of water
alexphoto99: another little spider
alexphoto99: little spider
alexphoto99: beautiful landscape
alexphoto99: madrid at day
alexphoto99: burbujas alegrando a niños y mayores
alexphoto99: madrid at night
alexphoto99: light painting
alexphoto99: I willpaint our love with light. Anyone can see it but we know thatis here
alexphoto99: when we start an adventure...
alexphoto99: a tear in a glass of water seems like nothing
alexphoto99: the flower will see our love but it cant say nothing. its a secret:)
alexphoto99: anyone have seen a gnomo? cause someone told me that it was my imagination
alexphoto99: water comes again and again
alexphoto99: a red flower makes your heart happier
alexphoto99: a liquid comes from my eyes again...
alexphoto99: when the nature relax yourself the only thing that you want is take your camera and photograph this
alexphoto99: the moon the beauty of the night
alexphoto99: the firework will animate our party :)
alexphoto99: where the imagination lives...
alexphoto99: the light will iluminate our love
alexphoto99: flower in the night