Io Bechir Mariposa: ...The Closer I am to Fine.
philippejeanne: Balade dans la nature
philippejeanne: Tag de rue
philippejeanne: Porte abandonnée
philippejeanne: Ma femme sur le marché
philippejeanne: art particulier
evelynvancky: DSC_5526-1
evelynvancky: DSC_4836-1
evelynvancky: a different kind of sunset
S^LT: Snapshot_051
Pearl Grey2012: Newton 4
Pearl Grey2012: Trilby Minotaur
Pearl Grey2012: At City Inside Out 2
Pearl Grey2012: At City Inside Out
neeva101: bubbles_005
feelsplenty: Michael's Video for his DIY Pyramid Music Project
feelsplenty: "Ich Bin" by Alex. a Bold pop painting
feelsplenty: Muse's sculpture/ Photograph installation
feelsplenty: Ceasar Xigalia crashes the crit
feelsplenty: Elle's wonderful alpha clash sculpture!
feelsplenty: Alpha clashing
feelsplenty: Muse's new work reminds me of the concept behind the album cover of led zeppelin's presence
feelsplenty: Looking at the work from Drinking and Drawing class
feelsplenty: Crit on 5/21
feelsplenty: eating watermelon spitting out seeds
feelsplenty: Fade out
feelsplenty: Visiting Nebulosus's Pink Lodge
Pearl Grey2012: windwept 13