Jacob Peatfield: YN04 GMU
Aaron's Transport Photography 2024: Cardiff Bus 744 is heading along Westgate Street while Not in Service. - CN59 CLF - 19th May 2022
Jacob Peatfield: YR10 AZU
Jacob Peatfield: YN04 GMU
Jimmi's Transport Photos: Central Connect: SP40155 / YP59OEO
Busoccultation: Stagecoach London 15099 LX09FYU on Route 241
Busoccultation: Farewell Stagecoach London Scania Omnicity on Route 97
Emma's Transport Photography: RATP Dev SP40188 (YT10 XCM)
Emma's Transport Photography: RATP Dev SP40196 (YR10 FGC)
Emma's Transport Photography: RATP Dev SP40059 (YT09 ZCJ)
Emma's Transport Photography: Stagecoach London 15115 (LX09 FZM)
Emma's Transport Photography: Thames Travel 944 (YT59 DYP)
Emma's Transport Photography: RATP Dev SP40098 (YT59 SGV)
Emma's Transport Photography: RATP Dev SP40107 (YT59 DYX)
Emma's Transport Photography: Connexions Buses Y20 CXB
Aaron's Transport Photography 2024: Cardiff Bus 732 is heading along Westgate Street while on route 18 to Ely via Canton. - CN57 BJX - 19th May 2022
gz11_: transpora 2905
Jimmi's Transport Photos: JH Coaches: MSU392 (YT59SGY)
Mike McNiven: Stagecoach YT59PBO
RocknRave: More rigid now
jamjar1998: Topview Sightseeing 425 YT10XBW At Waterloo
Aaron's Transport Photography 2024: Cardiff Bus 725 is on Westgate Street while on route 18 to Ely. This bus was sold to Connexions of Yorkshire later in the year, where bizarrely it was issued a Penalty Charge Notice in Leeds for travelling in a bus lane. - CN57 BHZ - 19th May 2022
Gage 75: RATP London • SP40076 • YT59RYA
Jimmi's Transport Photos: Morebus: 1124 / HF58GZD
zackhallam: Stagecoach 15388
Plzen242: Metrobus 6964
Aaron's Transport Photography 2024: Cardiff Bus 720 was new to Reading Buses in 2006. It's seen heading along Westgate Street while on route 23 to Whitchurch and Pantmawr. - YN56 FBK - 19th May 2022
Busoccultation: Stagecoach London 15104 LX09FZA on Route 97
galaxytransitUK375: Brighton Horizon Coaches | BH55 BUS | Rail Replacement