n.pantazis: Meet planet Venus
Karsten Gieselmann: Butterfly orchid
Karsten Gieselmann: Military orchid
afreeman13b: DSCF6708
iOLAos_: I threw it on the ground
afreeman13b: DSCF6705
iOLAos_: Downtown
wolflett1: Fat Bottomed Girls
wolflett1: Guard Bees
bencbright: Pinwheel and Whirlpool Galaxies Widefield
A.Husvaer: Andersbakken lighthouse
Filic Marko: Mercedes Benz 220 (W115)
Peter Legradi Horvath: IMG_4098_tonemapped
Ernst_P.: Sunny winter morning
Ernst_P.: Fasching
xeyalkazimli: Ocean Jasper
xeyalkazimli: Labradorite stone
Ernst_P.: Innsbruck - Tirol
Ernst_P.: Locherboden - Mötz, Tirol
Gocha Nemsadze: SAMYANG 135mm f/2
Gocha Nemsadze: SAMYANG 135mm f/2
afreeman13b: DSCF4448_HDR
n.pantazis: Summer night sky open clusters
n.pantazis: Waning moon
iOLAos_: Old Stuff
xeyalkazimli: Septarian Stone