dukeofplaettidorf: brick mansions
dukeofplaettidorf: room with view --- Zimmer mit Aussicht
dukeofplaettidorf: Licht und Schatten
dukeofplaettidorf: Happy mother's day! 🌸
Jonathan_in_Madrid: Gateway II
dukeofplaettidorf: urban canyons
dukeofplaettidorf: knock knock
dukeofplaettidorf: Löwenzahn taraxacum
dukeofplaettidorf: sea of lamium
Jonathan_in_Madrid: Sundown flare
Jonathan_in_Madrid: Flower on the wall
Jonathan_in_Madrid: Eroded brickwork
Jonathan_in_Madrid: Spotmatic with Chinon 55mm f/1.7
the adapted eye: the mouldering word
the adapted eye: decomposition
Jonathan_in_Madrid: Nap time II
Jonathan_in_Madrid: Segovia street
Jonathan_in_Madrid: Segovia streets
Jonathan_in_Madrid: Japanese black pepper