ruedesabots: Bad weather in Paris 10
ruedesabots: Bad weather in Paris 9
ruedesabots: Bad weather in Paris 8
Count_Strad: 20240417_033853a
Count_Strad: 20240417_033615a
Count_Strad: 20240417_033502a
Count_Strad: 20240417_033404a
Count_Strad: 20240417_033323a
Count_Strad: 20240420_170411a
ruedesabots: Bad weather in Paris 7
Blondeactionman: Moving out.
Blondeactionman: J.J. waits by the steel door.
ruedesabots: Bad weather in Paris 5
ruedesabots: Bad weather in Paris 4 : a survivor
ruedesabots: Bad weather in Paris 3
ruedesabots: Bad weather in Paris 1
marcjwrz: "Name's Gambit. Remember it."
Blondeactionman: Warning shots only!
Blondeactionman: Unexpected guest!
Blondeactionman: Sonja Caves - Rock Wall challenge.
Blondeactionman: Lady Lara - Caves - Rock Wall challenge.
Lambda Photo: Berserker
Count_Strad: DSC07763a
ruedesabots: Happy Easter my love
ruedesabots: Oh my god, Stain is it really you...
ruedesabots: Joaquím : One day we'll come back
ruedesabots: Joaquím, Edward Hopper and the snowglobe