``` November Rain ```: I've never tried a Bloody Mary before....
``` November Rain ```: At Independence Hall, Philadelphia, PA
``` November Rain ```: Priscilla the Riviter
``` November Rain ```: Yo I met Rocky!
``` November Rain ```: Priscilla at home with the flowers!
``` November Rain ```: Too chilly to swim today
``` November Rain ```: Priscilla Flowers admiring the chinese lantern displays
``` November Rain ```: Philly mini meet at Franklin Square
``` November Rain ```: Priscilla Flowers visiting Franklin Square
``` November Rain ```: Ahhhh....little help?
``` November Rain ```: Whoa those are some crazy looking tree roots -- they they aren't actually snakes in disguise!
``` November Rain ```: Barefoot and lovin' it
``` November Rain ```: Awwww...Aunt Ruth says I need a break from the sun....phooey!
``` November Rain ```: Just beachin' it
``` November Rain ```: Hi everyone! This isn't the ocean....its the Gulf of Mexico!
``` November Rain ```: Ooooo the water looks great!
``` November Rain ```: Priscilla Flowers in Naples, Florida
``` November Rain ```: Priscilla says goodbye
``` November Rain ```: Priscilla and Shelley say goodbye
``` November Rain ```: Priscilla Flowers came with me to my acupunture appointment today
``` November Rain ```: Ahhhh....I don't mind acupuncture at all....
``` November Rain ```: Priscilla chatting with new friends at Aunt LaRose's house!
``` November Rain ```: Hello mom? I'm having a great time - and I learned how to use a pay phone!
``` November Rain ```: Um, can someone tell me how to use this crazy phone?
``` November Rain ```: Lunch at Aunt LaRose's house!
``` November Rain ```: Priscilla comiserating with Ruby <3
``` November Rain ```: Priscilla enjoying a fountain soda at the diner with new friends.
``` November Rain ```: Diner treats with new friends
``` November Rain ```: Rockin' out to some tunes on the juke box!
``` November Rain ```: January 2017 - Calendar Girls - Getting their hopes up