e³°°°: Two ladies, making the world a better place
e³°°°: Shazi ad infinitum
e³°°°: Angelic red
e³°°°: A traveller from Newark, New Jersey, US
e³°°°: Zinneke, Brussel
e³°°°: Trainspotting II
e³°°°: Shazia with ῥόδοδένδρον
Sjaco Manuputty: Marnix van de Poll
e³°°°: Unmasked lady, with mask
Sjaco Manuputty: Street portrait in Utrecht
Sjaco Manuputty: Life is better with true friends
e³°°°: Woman from Oman
Sjaco Manuputty: Vitra Eames Lounge Chair & Ottoman
e³°°°: Evening shooter
Sjaco Manuputty: Today was a hot Newday
Sjaco Manuputty: Exit at CODA Museum
Sjaco Manuputty: Under the bridge
Sjaco Manuputty: Young woman at her sales stall
Sjaco Manuputty: Sculpture Park
Sjaco Manuputty: Into the woods
Sjaco Manuputty: Testing with the new Samyang AF 35mm f1.4
Sjaco Manuputty: Hoge Veluwe, the Netherlands
Sjaco Manuputty: View from Restaurant Fotografiska, Stockholm
Sjaco Manuputty: If you face the light, shadow will always be behind you
Sjaco Manuputty: Illuminated chairs in the St. Andrew's Church Antwerp
Sjaco Manuputty: People of Antwerp
Sjaco Manuputty: The brighter the light, the deeper the shadow
e³°°°: Neon mood
e³°°°: Shazi
e³°°°: Shazia - dreamscape