mrwalli: Ceiling of the Canadian "Library of Parliament"
mrwalli: IMG_4822
mrwalli: IMG_4793
mrwalli: IMG_4947
mrwalli: Global Centre for Pluralism
mrwalli: Global Centre for Pluralism
mrwalli: Global Centre for Pluralism
mrwalli: IMG_4787
mrwalli: IMG_4704
mrwalli: IMG_4709
mrwalli: IMG_4711
mrwalli: IMG_4616
mrwalli: IMG_4681
mrwalli: IMG_4613
rickmacewen: National Holocaust Monument
rickmacewen: National Holocaust Monument
ElMalva: New NAC
vishalb_bkn: DSC_9175-2
Vernamm2: Under the bridge
mrwalli: 291898_10150393722690289_1372928082_n
mrwalli: Delegation of the Ismaili Imamat
mrwalli: Delegation of the Ismaili Imamat
mrwalli: Delegation of the Ismaili Imamat
ottawaarchitects150: Minto Place, Murray & Murray Associates, Architects
ottawaarchitects150: Canadian Martyrs Church, Hazelgrove and Lithwick Architects
ottawaarchitects150: Calvary Baptist Church, Unknown Architect
ottawaarchitects150: 400 Laurier Avenue East, deBelle and Koffman, Architects
ottawaarchitects150: Friel Towers, Craig and Kohler Architects
ottawaarchitects150: The Belgarde, J. Morris Woolfson Architect
ottawaarchitects150: Telus House Regional Headquarters, Richard Chmiel Architects Inc.