Cristian Pinto Fernández: Playero de patas largas (Calidris himantopus) Stilt Sandpiper
Cristian Pinto Fernández: Pidencito (Laterallus jamaicensis salinasi) Black Rail
Cristian Pinto Fernández: Calandria grande (Mimus saturninus) Chalk-browed Mockingbird
Cristian Pinto Fernández: Gaviotín monja (Larosterna inca) Inca tern
Cristian Pinto Fernández: Viudita negra copetona (Knipolegus lophotes) Crested Black Tyrant - Maria preta de penacho
Cristian Pinto Fernández: Chestnut-throated Huet-Huet (Pteroptochos castaneus) Huet-huet castaño
Cristian Pinto Fernández: Chilean tinamou - Nothoprocta perdicaria - Perdiz chilena (CL) - SANTIAGO'S METROPOLITAN REGION - CHILE
Each Moment the Universe: Female Orchard Oriole
Each Moment the Universe: Summer Tanager
Each Moment the Universe: Scarlet Tanager
Cristian Pinto Fernández: Buller's Shearwater - Ardenna bulleri - Fardela de dorso gris (CL) - VALPARAISO REGION - CHILE
Cristian Pinto Fernández: _DSC0852 - CC - Horizontal
Cristian Pinto Fernández: _DSC0827 - CC - Horizontal
Saisiva Sababathy: Bald Eagle Diving for Fish
ashahmtl: 0P7A7955 female White-throated Mountain-gem, Panama
Saisiva Sababathy: NortherFlickerWithYoungone (1 of 1)
ashahmtl: 0P7A9934 Crimson-backed Tanager, Panama
Cristian Pinto Fernández: Piuquén (Oressochen melanoptera) Andean goose
ashahmtl: 0P7A3169 Andean Emerald_hummingbird, in Ecuador
ashahmtl: 0P7A6728 Violet Sabrewing _hummingbird, in Panama
ashahmtl: 0P7A0100 Lesson's Motmot, in Panama
ashahmtl: 0P7A0834 Black-chinned Mountain Tanager, in Ecuador
gsphotography145: Trumpeter Swans
gsphotography145: Barred Owl
gsphotography145: Song Sparrow (Pacific)
ashahmtl: 0P7A7084 Flame-faced Tanager, in Panama.
gsphotography145: Spotted Towhee
gsphotography145: Black-headed Grosbeak
Saisiva Sababathy: BaldEagle_TopWingView_WithFish_LockDam14_Jan26-1
Saisiva Sababathy: BaldEagle_WingsUp_WithFish_LockDam14_Jan26-3