ravenadeville: 📷 109✦
Taly Wiseong Deville: Giovanna ❤️
daejeonlldocinho: NEW POST ♥
Taly Wiseong Deville: Carla ❤️
Karol Swan: NEW POST
rosssta-maria: Red Sun
Taly Wiseong Deville: Sybil ❤️
ravenadeville: 📷 107✦
__Marcela__: New Post #4452
xK0RE: To know that you are unique makes you beautiful.
julianaa Chau: Synnergy Tavis
rosssta-maria: Heavens Above
__Marcela__: New Post #4448
rosssta-maria: Dunsborough Dawn
Taly Wiseong Deville: Hafisa ❤️
xK0RE: Good knife skills are lessons you learn over time.
__Marcela__: New Post #4446
daejeonlldocinho: NEW POST ♥
daejeonlldocinho: NEW POST ♥
stepanov2876: Golden autumn
__Marcela__: New Post #4444
xK0RE: Yes Misteress