Fedor Odegov: Red Square, Moscow, Russia
Oleg Peresvet: Alexander Nevsky Cathedral 1881
inzaler: Инзенский диатомовый комбинат.
alexey & kuzma: The Iset river
findoctv: Скит преподобного Саввы Сторожевского в Звенигороде
Oleg Peresvet: View of the central street of the Kazan Kremlin
Igor G. Trukhan: Pine forest in the forest. Novorossiysk district.
onneon: New year holidays
Aram Bagdasaryan: Church of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker on Bersenevka
vdirenko: 240210-125140_Губаницкая кирха
dmitriylt: Саратовский храм
Oleg Peresvet: Kanavinsky Bridge, Nizhny Novgorod, Russia
dmitriylt: Утоли моя печали
IVAN ANDRONOV, RUSSIA: On the road/ Yellow Sunrise
M!FODY: Church of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary in Podmoklovo
alexey & kuzma: Yekaterinburg
Oleg Peresvet: Borisoglebskaya Tower, Nizhny Novgorod Kremlin, 1515
ArtDen82: Baikal sunset
Svetla (ribonka 78): Theatre Square
Svetla (ribonka 78): Sheremetyevs' Castle
Svetla (ribonka 78): Obolensky-Nogotkov Square
bizzi63: Cloudy day at the beginning of spring
Svetla (ribonka 78): Holy Dormition Cathedral
MikleRav: Elbrus on the horizon (Эльбрус на горизонте)
MikleRav: Dombay (Домбай)
vdirenko: 240302-125127_Санкт-Петербург
Igor G. Trukhan: Pine forest in the forest. Novorossiysk region.
Oleg Peresvet: Cathedral of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary
Oleg Peresvet: Annunciation Cathedral of the Kazan Kremlin