leaderofourboat: Air Raid Shelter
leaderofourboat: Air Raid Shelter
leaderofourboat: Air Raid Shelter
Neil Fellowes: Harford Hills Chalk Mine, Norfolk, U.K.
Neil Fellowes: Harford Hills Chalk Mine, Norfolk, U.K.
Neil Fellowes: Harford Hills Chalk Mine, Norfolk, U.K.
Neil Fellowes: Harford Hills Chalk Mine, Norfolk, U.K.
Neil Fellowes: Harford Hills Chalk Mine, Norfolk, U.K.
Neil Fellowes: Harford Hills Chalk Mine, Norfolk, U.K.
leaderofourboat: Exploring underneath the Missing Kind (old Ponds shoe shop)
leaderofourboat: Exploring underneath the Missing Kind (old Ponds shoe shop)
leaderofourboat: Exploring underneath the Missing Kind (old Ponds shoe shop)
leaderofourboat: Exploring underneath the Missing Kind (old Ponds shoe shop)
leaderofourboat: Assembly House Undercroft
leaderofourboat: Assembly House Undercroft
leaderofourboat: Assembly House Undercroft
leaderofourboat: Assembly House Undercroft
leaderofourboat: Assembly House Undercroft
leaderofourboat: Curat House/Fat Face Undercroft, Norwich
leaderofourboat: Air Raid Shelter
terryg2002: 22 Tombland undercroft
terryg2002: 48 St Giles Street undercroft
terryg2002: 48 St Giles Street undercroft
terryg2002: 46 St Giles Street undercroft
terryg2002: 48 Bethel Street undercroft
terryg2002: Castle undercroft
terryg2002: 20 elm hill undercroft
i_am_keef: Norman House remains, underneath Norwich Magistrates Court
i_am_keef: Norman House remains, underneath Norwich Magistrates Court
i_am_keef: Norman House remains, underneath Norwich Magistrates Court