Paul Thibodeau: Adam’s Hat. Windsor, ON.
Paul Thibodeau: Not Quite Forever. Windsor, ON.
Paul Thibodeau: The Shopping Experience III. Windsor, ON.
Paul Thibodeau: The Shopping Experience II. Windsor, ON.
Paul Thibodeau: Got Your Back! Belle River, ON.
Paul Thibodeau: Here Comes Cowboys, Black and White. Windsor, ON.
Paul Thibodeau: Here Comes Cowboys. Windsor, ON.
Paul Thibodeau: Abandoned House. Cottam, ON.
Paul Thibodeau: Abandoned House Black and White. Cottam, ON.
Paul Thibodeau: Talking About Jesus. Windsor, ON.
Paul Thibodeau: Leaves in the Sunlight. Belle River, ON.
Paul Thibodeau: The Ladies. Windsor, ON.
Paul Thibodeau: Leaves on a Fence II. Windsor, ON.
Paul Thibodeau: Leaves on a Fence. Belle River, ON.
Paul Thibodeau: The Bridge in the Afternoon Sun. Windsor, ON.
Paul Thibodeau: Helmet and Goggles. Belle River, ON.
Paul Thibodeau: … And if you gaze into the abyss, the abyss gazes also into you. WIndsor, ON.
Paul Thibodeau: A Meeting, Interrupted. Windsor, ON.
Paul Thibodeau: Watching the Church People. Windsor, ON.
Paul Thibodeau: We All Scream For Ice Cream. Belle River, ON.
Paul Thibodeau: Now, Listen to Me… Windsor, ON.
Paul Thibodeau: Myrtle on the Deck, Lakeshore, ON.
Paul Thibodeau: Alone At Sunset. Windsor, ON.
Paul Thibodeau: Where Angels Weep. Tilbury, ON.
Paul Thibodeau: Taking a Call. Windsor, ON.
Paul Thibodeau: Free Parking. Lakeshore, ON.
Paul Thibodeau: Fork And Knife. Windsor, ON.
Paul Thibodeau: Little White House. Lakeshore, ON.
Paul Thibodeau: Standing Watch. Belle River, ON.
Paul Thibodeau: Barn In Trees. Lakeshore, ON.