Killah K: Trippy Makeup
eatingsnowflakes: lily allen
eatingsnowflakes: this way
*phototristan: BART train departing
5OH7: Kick, tea, type
5OH7: Vintage Chanel's
5OH7: Vintage Chanel's
eatingsnowflakes: bling bling strikes again
wigglezzz: i am an artist
eatingsnowflakes: 2301 washington ave
wigglezzz: like being in the "billie jean" video!
wigglezzz: can you see me?
wigglezzz: chrysler bldg & moon
eatingsnowflakes: bling bling
*phototristan: IMG00049.JPG
*phototristan: IMG00036.JPG
*phototristan: IMG00026.JPG
*phototristan: IMG00008.JPG
*phototristan: IMG00005.JPG
*phototristan: El Cerrito Del Norte BART Station
*phototristan: Matrix Sidekick 3 theme
*phototristan: Old school Super Mario Sidekick 3 theme
gluechunk: hello kitty ball
*phototristan: Wicked the musical Sidekick 3 theme
*phototristan: Tron Sidekick 3 theme - gotta luv it
gluechunk: rufus
*phototristan: Please hand me the bottle, I think I'm lonely now. Please give me direction, I think I just caved in.
gluechunk: please, no flowers or bombs