BLACK EYED SUZY: Crying Rainbows
d i a n e p o w e r s: I shed my season in a whisper and falter under your breath
D@niel L: L'alanguie
Alessandro Crea: Son Image
D@niel L: Le promeneur solitaire
D@niel L: Juste quelques mots
Alessandro Crea: Hidden Goddess
be•mo•re [hopes]: for a moment
captain.flam2: La maison dans la forêt
Leila Forés: Violines en el corazón
Leila Forés: Nube negra
Leila Forés: Peces de ciudad
P. Correia: A Voz
dog_dreamzzz: Gently Comes the Day's End...
dog_dreamzzz: Pas De Deux
Leila Forés: The dust of time
dog_dreamzzz: Samsung Galaxy SIII. Converted to black/white and framed in Snapseed.
Leila Forés: Francesca
Leila Forés: Destiny's path
BLACK EYED SUZY: Driving into the abyss
Leila Forés: La pluie
Minghua Nie: Sorrows
Lumilyon: Across The Land
annemcgr: Rain and More Rain
be•mo•re [hopes]: and the sun..