fealoo73: Il fallait s'arreter à Ban Samsa Ath:
fealoo73: Il fallait s'arreter à Ban Samsa Ath:
fealoo73: It's the rainy season...
fealoo73: Go back to the ground
fealoo73: A women carries wood for cooking I guess
fealoo73: Shelter in the camp:
fealoo73: Child and her sister in a brick factory
fealoo73: Palung Grand mother is weeding old stuppas
fealoo73: Single file of novice monks collecting offerings in Hpa-an
fealoo73: Terrible look, but he was just playing vollet-ball
fealoo73: Laos Fisher lucky Boys ...
fealoo73: Swedagon Pagoda from the lake
fealoo73: Bkk flower market
fealoo73: Opened Lotus
fealoo73: At the top of the tea planted hills.