Skippy Beresford: How many cares one loses when one decides not to be something but to be someone.
tralala.loordes: The Bakers Fail: Tra Bakes, Scott Breaks
--Gustaf af Ansgarsö--: I'm going fishing
La Baroque (Laura) ️♡thnx for your visits️: Like an olive in a martini dry ☺
Orchid ~*: Vulnerable
Scarlette .. Woodysally13: Come back with my crisps little one :)
MattNight84: He's Crafty
Skippy Beresford: Find joy and peace in this very moment.
Belle-des-Champs: . Lazy evening .
calypso keng: Must be love on the brain...
Kelly Atheria: Easy Like Sunday Morning
BananaMilfshake in SL: Reality Escape
kynne L.: Lazy Bridesmaids
Carey's Pictures: 2018-01-21 Got it purring, now it's time for a ride...
AX Poses: My favorite place