neil smith2010: Common Swift
Jeremy Eyeons: Recently fledged AVOCET chick.
Jeremy Eyeons: Singing SEDGE WARBLER.
Distinctly Average: Avocet Chick
johnatkins2008: Little Egret 14/06/24.
Edwyn Anderton: Spoonbills
Jeremy Eyeons: Cute young LAPWING chick.
Edwyn Anderton: Avocet
steven.quantrill: DSC00066_1
steven.quantrill: DSC00128_1
johnatkins2008: Eurasian Spoonbill 14/06/24.
johnatkins2008: Reed Bunting (m) 14/06/24.
steven.quantrill: DSC09745_1
steven.quantrill: DSC09930_2
steven.quantrill: DSC09826_1
steven.quantrill: DSC00015_2
steven.quantrill: DSC09984_2
steven.quantrill: DSC09979_1
steven.quantrill: DSC09989_2
steven.quantrill: DSC00001_1
WildAperture: Eurasian Spoonbill - well caught....
kevin_waterfield: Spoonbill
kevin_waterfield: Female Reed Bunting and fledgling
neil smith2010: Common Redshank
Chris B@rlow: What long legs you have !
wildlifelynn: Tufted Duck (f)
steven.quantrill: DSC09334_1