Henrik Gyurkovics: Out of chaos 7798
anescient: rehash
anescient: notgivingup
albyn.davis: mirrors of Rue 57
albyn.davis: Michael (Jeff Koons)
parenthesedemparenthese@yahoo.com: Just embrace the moonshine
Marcus Hellwig: water & oil #6
maotaola: stains, holes and dust.
flindersan: The runner
JossieK: vintage circles
josepperelloflorit: MacroMondays - Circles
M Chiara B: Golden drops
alideniese: The inside story
SammCox: Sculpture (detail)
Henrik Gyurkovics: Comatricha nigra_0172
Saul G.: Onion chaos
.Ianne.: pieces
dewframe: Intentio {7}
LukaBoban: Curves
albyn.davis: art shop
Danyel B. Photography: glow in the dark
East Wind: Odyssey
Chris Gilligan: Last One On The Deck
Gans 10: Dew Droplets
orbed: More Time Than Money
Wizard CG: Budapest, Hungarian Parliament
albyn.davis: Laperouse 1766-2
Miz Müller: Burning Match / Brennender Streichholz