aka_patch: Dinner and a movie
aka_patch: the bad guys
aka_patch: Cowabunga dudes!
aka_patch: We shall destroy the ones called the turtles who call themselves the turtles
aka_patch: Ronin
aka_patch: Rocksteady
aka_patch: The Case of the Killer Pizzas
aka_patch: Case of the Killer Pizzas
aka_patch: Cruis'n
aka_patch: Shredder is Splintered
aka_patch: Step away from the pizza truck
aka_patch: Last stand
aka_patch: Help a ninja out
aka_patch: Center of the web
aka_patch: The elite
aka_patch: a work in progress
aka_patch: eyes of the party dude
aka_patch: Shredder vs. Shredder
aka_patch: Shredder group shot
aka_patch: You failed me again Baxter
aka_patch: in the underground
aka_patch: Retromutagen Ray Generator
aka_patch: What's up April
aka_patch: crude or rude
aka_patch: Pizza Time!
aka_patch: Whoa! I heard of going out of your skull, but you take the cake
aka_patch: Foot Soldiers
aka_patch: the Bad Guys
aka_patch: Turtle Power
aka_patch: She needs a little work