Geri Freitas -- Snapshots: 2016: The Bulb / Topaz Impression
h-ster: Albany bulb reformed and repaved
h-ster: Albany Bulb new artificial tidepools
h-ster: Albany knob
h-ster: algae in low tide
h-ster: clam graffiti
h-ster: Abandoned Squatter's lot
h-ster: Squatter's viw
h-ster: Views From Abandoned Campsite
h-ster: Invasive Valerian
h-ster: Valerian more pink when you get too close...
h-ster: Let us walk down this lovely path of wild radish blooms
h-ster: wild rose creeping everywhere
h-ster: Fennel gone wild
h-ster: 60 foot wild rose monster
h-ster: Feathery Soft
h-ster: Field of wild radish
h-ster: Wild lone artichoke
h-ster: Wild albany fields
h-ster: Wild Artichoke
h-ster: wild radish blooms
h-ster: Naturalized irises