tomasboth61: My film camera Zenit B :-)
tomasboth61: From the colection "Life je the Station"
Earley Photography: phone-selfie
mandroskylo: Perfection.
mandroskylo: Frognerkilen,Oslo.
mandroskylo: Alice in the Wonderland.
tomasboth61: Steel life in Valmez.... Where berthed ships...
tomasboth61: Made in Walmez...
tomasboth61: 2016-02-15_09-46-57
mandroskylo: Greetings from Oslo!
h3ctor_z43: After a rainy afternoon.
h3ctor_z43: Sunset in La Puerta del Diablo, El Salvador.
h3ctor_z43: 2015-08-02_06-00-47
h3ctor_z43: Sleep, eat, sleep. What a life.
mandroskylo: Crete.
mandroskylo: Two moons.
popong | pilipinas: Ghost of A Distant Past
mandroskylo: For Karen.
mandroskylo: Fernando Botero sculpture on Ekeberg.Oslo.
mandroskylo: Sagene kirke.
mandroskylo: The Norwegians: a warm hearted nation.
mandroskylo: Us,Cretans.
mandroskylo: Chrysanthemum.
mandroskylo: Saving memories.
mandroskylo: Like a circle in a spiral.
mandroskylo: No filters,for a change.
mandroskylo: Rambo,the stallion.
mandroskylo: IMG_20140925_071851