ilvic: 20180527-_D8H8863
Peter Voerman photography: Dance rehearsels #5
cjonthehudson: DSC_1644.jpg
Peter Voerman photography: Wanda kuiper speelgoed
cjonthehudson: RPI Dance Recital 2014 157a
cjonthehudson: Soon there will be dance!
cjonthehudson: Ballet Observation Oct 2005 DSCN8205.JPG
ilvic: 20140115-_D8H3819
cjonthehudson: Ballet Recital 2013 1070
cjonthehudson: Ballet Recital 2013 0541
cjonthehudson: Ballet Recital 2013 0081
cjonthehudson: There will be ballet.
cjonthehudson: RPI Dance Recital 061
cjonthehudson: RPI Dance Recital 596
cjonthehudson: DSC_1432
cjonthehudson: DSC_1180
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cjonthehudson: DSC_2971
cjonthehudson: DSC_3022
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