neilsonabeel: The Rat
neilsonabeel: Plymouth Street
neilsonabeel: Front Street
neilsonabeel: Plymouth Street
sasastro: Way Down (Explored #43)
Minimonster123: Anyone for tennis?
sasastro: Sunflower
sasastro: Chrysanths
Minimonster123: Playground
Gi.Sartori: Coenonympha Pamphilus
Minimonster123: Blackberry jelly
Minimonster123: Carl's Wark and Higger Tor
pazrahn: [•] Fujifilm Event Sydney
pazrahn: [•] Fujifilm Event Sydney
Minimonster123: She loves me, she loves me not...
Minimonster123: Star and flare
JohnMAustin78: IMGP1956
JohnMAustin78: IMGP1938
Minimonster123: Jingoistic products
JohnMAustin78: IMGP1685
JohnMAustin78: IMGP1725
neilsonabeel: Flushing Avenue
neilsonabeel: Church Fence
neilsonabeel: Sidewalk
Minimonster123: Crudités