Captain Smash: All 6 total 1
Captain Smash: All 6 total 2
Captain Smash: Rockwell_International_Space_Shuttle_OV-105_Orbiter_Endeavour 1
Captain Smash: Rockwell_International_Space_Shuttle_OV-105_Orbiter_Endeavour 5
Captain Smash: Rockwell_International_Space_Shuttle_OV-105_Orbiter_Endeavour 4
Captain Smash: Rockwell_International_Space_Shuttle_OV-105_Orbiter_Endeavour 3
Kurt's MOCs: 41 Shenyang J-16D Roaring Wolf
Kurt's MOCs: 40 Shenyang J-16 Red Eagle
Captain Smash: Rockwell_International_Space_Shuttle_OV-104_Orbiter_Atlantis 1
Captain Smash: Rockwell_International_Space_Shuttle_OV-104_Orbiter_Atlantis 2
Captain Smash: Rockwell_International_Space_Shuttle_OV-104_Orbiter_Atlantis 5
Captain Smash: Rockwell_International_Space_Shuttle_OV-104_Orbiter_Atlantis 3
Captain Smash: Rockwell_International_Space_Shuttle_OV-103_Orbiter_Discovery 1
Captain Smash: Rockwell_International_Space_Shuttle_OV-103_Orbiter_Discovery 5
Captain Smash: Rockwell_International_Space_Shuttle_OV-103_Orbiter_Discovery 2
Captain Smash: Rockwell_International_Space_Shuttle_OV-103_Orbiter_Discovery 3
Captain Smash: Rockwell_International_Space_Shuttle_OV-099_Orbiter_Challenger 1
Futurism_Lego: Coast guard_5
Futurism_Lego: Coast guard_6
Captain Smash: Buran and Columbia 4
Captain Smash: Buran and Columbia 1
Buff83ST: 11 - Planes, Trains &... some ugly cardboard
Buff83ST: 01 - Overview over the Lerner Airfield section of our L-shaped joint layout @ Bricky Way 2024
Buff83ST: 18 - Lerner Airfield, Tower & part of the apron with three jets
Czifi: UH-1N_Matrica_12
Kurt's MOCs: 19 Fokker F-104G Starfighter
Kurt's MOCs: 32 Shenyang J-15 Flying Shark (PLANAF)
Kurt's MOCs: 01 Sukhoi Su-35S Flanker E
Captain Smash: Buran V2 9
Captain Smash: Buran V2 20