Mike Tabor: hands talking
Tomás Hornos: Hard Luck and Circumstances
Patrick Vierthaler (using albums): A World in Green 緑の世界
Patrick Vierthaler (using albums): Kamigoryō-jinja 上御霊神社
the_olivera: Sertão Zen falls
gavweaver.com: Man on a horse
Tomás Hornos: Niebla NO WARS
the_olivera: Sertão Zen Waterfall
Tomás Hornos: El Reino del Mar
the_olivera: Sertão Zen resting place
the_olivera: Alto Paraíso de Goiás Morning sun
the_olivera: Tree of life
Tomás Hornos: Cofradía Nuestra Señora Virgen de los Dolores
Mike Tabor: hydrant
russeltc: Man in a yellow shirt on the beach
russeltc: Local beach rules
russeltc: A rocky foreground
russeltc: In a knot
russeltc: Doggies at the bay
LJCAM: Assignment 08: Aperture and Depth of Field
LJCAM: Assignment 08: Aperture and Depth of Field
LJCAM: Heart Wall
russeltc: Don’t rock the boat (bad pun intended)
russeltc: Boat by the Golden Light in Santiago Bay
russeltc: The bay’s view under a waning afternoon light