Bright Wish Kanzashi: She says she will come soon. Kosuzu in green and gold kimono.
Bright Wish Kanzashi: Tomu with red eyes
Bright Wish Kanzashi: Fox and Harri (1)
Bright Wish Kanzashi: Tomu, Harri, and Ash (7)
Bright Wish Kanzashi: Tomu, Harri, and Ash: Black, White, and Flowers
Bright Wish Kanzashi: Juniper in roh kimono.
Bright Wish Kanzashi: Ash Tomu and Ruri have a sleep party.
Bright Wish Kanzashi: Quetzal in Red Kimono. 2022
Bright Wish Kanzashi: Elm and Fox in navy and blue
Bright Wish Kanzashi: Elm and Fox and Fox and Bunny
Bright Wish Kanzashi: Fairyland Minifee Sylvia
Bright Wish Kanzashi: Sage gets a new Dress
Bright Wish Kanzashi: Ariadne wearing the ecru kimono with rainbow village motif.
Bright Wish Kanzashi: Resin Eyes by Mehi Art
Bright Wish Kanzashi: Resin Eyes by Mehi Art
Bright Wish Kanzashi: Resin Eyes by Mehi Art
Bright Wish Kanzashi: Resin Eyes by Mehi Art
Bright Wish Kanzashi: Resin Eyes by Mehi Art
Bright Wish Kanzashi: Resin Eyes by Mehi Art
Bright Wish Kanzashi: Rin and Thalia in kimono.
Bright Wish Kanzashi: Thalia in Pink Kimono with Bell Flowers in her hair.
redmaiko: Contempt
Bright Wish Kanzashi: Sage in Golden Kimono: wisteria and leaf kanzashi.
Bright Wish Kanzashi: Mehi Art Resin Eyes
Bright Wish Kanzashi: Nimbus in blue sailing clothes. DariasTHD
Bright Wish Kanzashi: Narwhale Ruri Chibbi Poulpy
Bright Wish Kanzashi: Tomu in red kimon with kitsune half mask: black and gold.