in time of roses: tumblr_n7deh6drnG1qiowgwo1_500
in time of roses: 561885_2870509016898_886926987_n
in time of roses: Pictur102
in time of roses: 534689_3511354597637_393527699_n
thunderspeech: death by water
manyfires: what the ocean said
manyfires: the wastelands: fear in a handful of dust
manyfires: not with a bang but a whimper
manyfires: i have heard the mermaids singing, each to each
Meerkey: Based on a T.S. Eliot poem
Photo Bungler: "I should have been a pair of ragged claws/ Scuttling across the floors of silent seas" T.S. Eliot
Drew Daves: SPEAK
jeh amm ink: Unreal City
ed.podesta: Ash Wednesday
d. schultz: Calvin / Hobbes / Eliot
in time of roses: a hundred indecisions
in time of roses: they called me