ryouell: Botallack Tin Mine, Cornwall, UK
ryouell: Listening to the Hum and Crackle
ryouell: Recording the sounds of near silence at Jökulsárlón, Iceland
ryouell: Booming steam from the front and a hot water spring behind. Double MS.
ryouell: The pulsing steam sub-woofer
ryouell: P6161469.jpg
ryouell: P6151439.jpg
ryouell: P6110754.jpg
ryouell: The sound of passing icebergs
ryouell: P5250559.jpg
ryouell: P5250551.jpg
ryouell: P5250553.jpg
ryouell: Sunrise at RSPB Titchwell, Norfolk, UK.
ryouell: P5178896.jpg
ryouell: P5178911.jpg
ryouell: P5178912.jpg
ryouell: Field Sound Recording. Bitterns booming at RSPB Titchwell, Norfolk, UK.
ryouell: Dawn Chorus Recording at Wicken Fen
ryouell: Double Mid-Side at Wicken Fen
ryouell: P4158609.jpg
ryouell: Recording the Dawn Chorus from the top of Morar Cross
ryouell: Recording the waves lapping on the silver sands of Morar Bay and the long lead to a hydrophone.
ryouell: P5103496.jpg
ryouell: PC018566.jpg
ryouell: PC018345.jpg
ryouell: PC018340.jpg
ryouell: PB308515.jpg
ryouell: PB308263.jpg
robinparmar: documentation