puuuuuuuuce: Market in Shutka
Jay Row1: A good time was had by all
Jay Row1: Carmen and the band
Jay Row1: photo by Carmen
Jay Row1: Buena Vista - -photo by Darlene
Jay Row1: Havana - cathedral at night
Jay Row1: Che museum
Jay Row1: Tour bus... but not ours!
Jay Row1: Javier's mother at our casa
Jay Row1: Julie, Darlene, Maude...
Jay Row1: cars used to be so beautiful
Jay Row1: bell tower - trinidad
Jay Row1: Cuban gentleman
Jay Row1: bell tower - Trinidad
Jay Row1: music on the street - Trinidad
Jay Row1: Music in the morning - Trinidad
Jay Row1: Three modes of transportation
Jay Row1: Food truck - Trinidad
Jay Row1: doors!
Jay Row1: The red V8
Jay Row1: Wonderful musician - Trinidad
Jay Row1: Trinidad
Jay Row1: Marcos
Jay Row1: La familia
Jay Row1: Marcos
greenleaf 80: 27 skink or salamander in Trinidad s
greenleaf 80: 24b San francisco church and convent colonade by cloister s
greenleaf 80: 42 bus break girls in car s
greenleaf 80: 35 cattle following lead cow s
greenleaf 80: 16d Architecture Museum s