Twila1313: The Watcher
Twila1313: Wicked doll
Twila1313: Do Not Disassemble
Twila1313: Just a freakin' clown
Twila1313: The Watcher
Twila1313: Spirit doll
Twila1313: Angels among us
Twila1313: Waiting is a pane
Twila1313: Reflections of childhood
Twila1313: The Dolly Sisters
Twila1313: Chippy the Clown
Twila1313: Indigo Clown
Twila1313: The Look
Twila1313: RUN!!!
Twila1313: Vortex of a child
Twila1313: Dollies of the deep woods
Twila1313: Off kilter
Twila1313: The other world
Twila1313: Dark sense of humor
Twila1313: Waiting for stimulus check
Twila1313: Journey of the soul
Twila1313: Feeding frenzy
Twila1313: Evil haunted doll; late 1800's
Twila1313: They're heeere!
Twila1313: Love is buying your first haunted house
Twila1313: Playtime!
Twila1313: Broken shell
Twila1313: 1960's Raggedy Ann doll
Twila1313: Good morning, Sunshine.
Twila1313: 1800's pocket Bible