Angelo La Manna (pandino84): Vanessa Fashion Explorer
Angelo La Manna (pandino84): Veronique Sea-Devil
Angelo La Manna (pandino84): Exquise Adèle Makéda
Angelo La Manna (pandino84): Exquise Adèle Makéda
robert.maneja: Le tuxedo Eugenia
jdbrowder2001: A Fashionable Life Vanessa
Nataliia Tokar: English Rose Eugenia
Mr-Royalty: Ginger
Mr-Royalty: Ginger
♥ Little Enchanted World ♥: "A more drastic attitude"
♥ Little Enchanted World ♥: "A more drastic attitude"
elenpriv: Tweed Chanel style jacket, so beloved by ELENPRIV customers
♥ Little Enchanted World ♥: Granny, please, go to the window!
♥ Little Enchanted World ♥: Granny, please, go to the window!
the_doll_studio: Star Power Sunnies
Nataliia Tokar: Véronique She Means Business
Nataliia Tokar: Glamour Puss Monogram
elenpriv: Beautiful white cotton dress shirts with golden shade
the_doll_studio: IMG_7519
♥ Little Enchanted World ♥: A-Z Challenge 3.0 / T - Tools of the Trade
Nata-leto: Dania Zarr Smoke Screen
Nata-leto: Victoire Roux Evening in Montreal
elenpriv: Chic Kyori Sato Criminally Chic :)
Nata-leto: Turquoise Sparkler Evelyn Weaverton