arkansas traveler: IMG_8798 Best Spot in the Garden 6-5-19
* Rosebud *: Une de mes photos de la majestueuse Notre-Dame
samdabull: Sevillan courtyard
Claude@Munich: November Rose
Angel Lite Photography: rose perfection
tgrauros: Rosa: Prestige de Lyon
arkansas traveler: IMG_0510 Kissing Rose Goodnight 7-26-18
SchnauzerDebs: Lilac Bougainvillea
* Rosebud *: Roses... roses
SchnauzerDebs: Summer Rose
arkansas traveler: IMG_4652 Too Much of a Good Thing 5-25-18
Mukund Todmal: A9DC0001N.jpg
Mukund Todmal: A9DC9961.jpg
Mukund Todmal: CRW_4258.jpg~original.jpg
carlapriestley: English Rose, Cheshire
Mukund Todmal: A9DC0509.jpg
Mukund Todmal: A9DC0536.jpg
Mukund Todmal: A9DC0577.jpg
Mukund Todmal: A9DC0573.jpg
Mukund Todmal: A9DC9988.jpg
Mukund Todmal: A9DC0581.jpg
Mukund Todmal: A9DC9969.jpg
anokarina: ―dead, again 🌹
Best Snaps: Rose in a Vase
anokarina: “Hurt is a part of life. / ...our definition of happiness has gotten very narrow lately, very nervous, a little afraid of this brawling, fabulous, unpredictable world.” ―Julian Gough 🌹💐🌷
anokarina: “Those who have never known the deep intimacy and the intense companionship of happy mutual love have missed the best thing that life has to give.” ―Bertrand Russell 🌸
Celeste33: Rosie rose rose
Celeste33: Rosie rose rose
arkansas traveler: IMG_6853 Light on the Petal 6-12-17
anokarina: “Flowers always make people better, happier, and more helpful; they are sunshine, food and medicine to the mind.” ―Luther Burbank 🌹