La Manchù: communication breakdown
roxy.toxic: skull face
[ kasari ]: under the western freeway.
La Manchù: _____________________galvanize
JPaul23: Grief II (For John Foxx)
JPaul23: For John Foxx
roxy.toxic: o'shit!
solodad300: peace gargoyle
La Manchù: bang bang
Burnt Couch: found in nature
@moist_mouth: Vintage Chairs
derpunk: holy spirit
[ kasari ]: Convenient Parking
Henry M. Diaz: Adjust Your Sail
confidentjohn: IMG_2314
[ kasari ]: there's only one way out of here.
ulibrsrkr: metal crew - grrrr!
La Manchù: voi avete gli orologi, noi abbiamo il tempo.
ulibrsrkr: vaticano?
La Manchù: mon coeur mis à nu
roxy.toxic: art car
roxy.toxic: art car
roxy.toxic: mural
[ kasari ]: Stereo City, Inc.