passiongoldenretrievers: 46c3baeddc64d2262f6b9e4ff6b72d51
passiongoldenretrievers: fff92a282da84dd77f9d24fc531b73c3
passiongoldenretrievers: b22dcf01a558f085b652a7f69d5bfbc3
Daniel O LaFrance: Abby (DC-0503)
paulp12: Autumn Westie.
nicladam: Sensa
nicladam: Sensa
nicladam: Sensa
nicladam: Haya
nicladam: DARLA
Pen_1: ~ " ~ Happy Halloween ~ " ~
paulp12: Autumn Pose
paulp12: Amongst the Leaves.
Pen_1: ~ " ~ Happy Halloween ~ " ~
nicladam: Darla
nicladam: DARLA
MelissaW Dog Photography: Light and shadows
Medienlümmel: My old dog
Miss Pepperoni: Hey Chica