Dóra B.: Hroki, hégómi - Pride
Dóra B.: Losti - Lust
Dóra B.: Öfund - Envy
Dóra B.: Leti - Sloth
Dóra B.: Matgræðgi - Gluttony
Dóra B.: Reiði - Wrath
Dóra B.: Græðgi, ágirnd - Greed
Vanina Vila {Photography}: 30-365 7/7 Soberbia-Vanidad/Pride-Vanity
Vanina Vila {Photography}: 29-365 6/7 Envidia/Envy
Vanina Vila {Photography}: 28-365 5/7 Ira/Wrath
Vanina Vila {Photography}: 27-365 4/7 Pereza/Sloth
Vanina Vila {Photography}: 26-365 3/7 Avaricia/Greed
Vanina Vila {Photography}: 25-365 2/7 Gula/Gluttony
Vanina Vila {Photography}: 24-365 1/7 Lujuria/Lust
CGA[AvoidingResourcefulGooglers]: 146/365 (7/7): Pride
CGA[AvoidingResourcefulGooglers]: 145/365 (6/7): Wrath
CGA[AvoidingResourcefulGooglers]: 143/365 (4/7): Sloth
CGA[AvoidingResourcefulGooglers]: 142/365 (3/7): Gluttony (Eat Up, Fatty)
CGA[AvoidingResourcefulGooglers]: 140/365 (1/7): Avari¢e
Infinity8!: morgan
VisualValor: Tristitia/Despair
Dismal_Art: Acidia - Sloth II
DavinaHope: “Anyone who angers you conquers you”
DavinaHope: “Whether we fall by ambition, blood, or lust, like diamonds we are cut with our own dust.”
Dismal_Art: Luxuria - Lust II
olivia wolmark: La Nonne et le Kebab
Dismal_Art: Ira - Wrath II
DavinaHope: Sloth brings the sleep that has no awaking .