p_aj_b: Independent Fabrication Crown Jewel
mbeganyi: SON eDeluxe and Paul Racer M
mbeganyi: Ruthworks and Porcelain Rocket
mbeganyi: Hello old Friend
andy_carter: DSC00219
andy_carter: DSC00218
andy_carter: DSC00215
DairMac: Crown Jewel Ti Logo
DairMac: Independent Fabrication, Newmarket
DairMac: Indy Fab
DairMac: Independent Fabrication
DairMac: Independent fabrication Crown Jewel Ti
DairMac: Head Badge
mbeganyi: Timer, light, bike
mbeganyi: IF @ Burlington Waterfont
mbeganyi: IF Ti Club Racer
mbeganyi: Paul Racer M with SON eDeluxe
mbeganyi: My IF ponders the 'road' choices
kaorukudo: Independent Fabrication
kaorukudo: Independent Fabrication
kaorukudo: independent fabrication
kaorukudo: Independent Fabrication
kaorukudo: Independent Fabrication
p_aj_b: Independent Fabrication Crown Jewel
sonofabike: Independent Fabrication Deluxe
mbeganyi: Low lake, beautiful color, nice short ride.
_tias_: IF - crown jewel
p_aj_b: Independent Fabrication Crown Jewel
p_aj_b: Independent Fabrication Crown Jewel
p_aj_b: Independent Fabrication Crown Jewel