Kenray44: Admiral, L_Vanessa atalanta, En Red Admiral-1
Kenray44: Brauner Waldvogel-Lat_Aphantopus hyperanthus En_Ringlet
simone vagabond spirit (:): l'amour est l'amour.. in flying
photogtom43: BLENDING IN
Rudy " Pittoresque Photography ": Peacock Butterfly vintage 2013
surunair: The Peacock Pansy (Junonia almana)
Golfinha1: Bom fim de semana / Good weekend
Sam0hsong: Red spotted purple
surunair: Plain tiger butterflies
Nuno Xavier Moreira: "Borboleta", Common Brimstone(Gonepteryx rhamni) - em Liberdade [in Wild]
hsch1234: IMG_8925c
Vasquezz: IMG_3735
**El-Len**: Blue on Green
carlosjarnes: Issoria lathonia Moncayo
Hồ Viết Hùng (Thanks so much for 1mil. views!: Butterly-Explored #320, May 14, 2013
photogtom43: BUCKEYE ON A BLOOM
Renuka Marshall: Butterflies galore!
Keith now in Wiltshire: Tailed Jay | Graphium agamemnon
rio en medio - Jose On/Off: Mariposa - Charaxes jasius
Andy_Hartley: Small Tortoiseshell Butterfly, Garden, Warwickshire
RüdigerF: Himmelsfalter
Jürgen... / OFF....: Black and white
Akkarapat: Butterfly dreaming
Storm_Front: Western Pygmy Blue