Jym Dyer: 20161009 sfmtra-ggp-soft-hit
Jym Dyer: 20161009 sfmtra-ggp-soft-hit-motorcycle
Jym Dyer: 20161009 sfmtra-ggp-soft-hit-bicycles
Jym Dyer: 20160917 sfmtra-ggp-protect-this-lane
Jym Dyer: 20160917 sfmtra-ggp-flowers
Jym Dyer: 20160917 sfmtra-ggp-bike-deaths
Jym Dyer: 20160619 street-f2k-cars
phoca2004: SF National Cab Co. Inc. Loves parking dirty in the bike lane. Only permitted for elderly/disabled passengers of which there were none.
phoca2004: OnTrac truck 215932JEM loves your bike lane and apparently doesn't care for license plates.
phoca2004: Uber loves your bike lane
phoca2004: PG&E showing the bike lane love
Jef Poskanzer: bike path
patricktraughber: 8th Street and Bryant
patricktraughber: Fell Street bike lane
patricktraughber: Fell Street bike lane
patricktraughber: Fell Street bike lane
patricktraughber: Fell Street bike lane
patricktraughber: Vehicle blocking bike lane on Townsend between 5th and 6th
patricktraughber: City-owned vehicle blocking bike lane on Grove between Van Ness and Polk
patricktraughber: Coca-Cola truck blocking the bike lane on 8th Street between Market and Mission
patricktraughber: City-owned vehicle blocking bike lane on Grove between Van Ness and Polk