Robert Petell: lontani
Mihr*: SDIM0777
Mihr*: SDIM0806
Mihr*: SDIM0791
Mihr*: SDIM0783-SharpenAI-Motion
Mihr*: SDIM0779
Mihr*: SDIM0785
Mihr*: SDIM0555
sandro349: along the path
sandro349: along the path
Mihr*: SDIM0564
Mihr*: SDIM0562-SharpenAI-Motion
Mihr*: SDIM0551
Mihr*: SDIM0544
Mihr*: SDIM0542
Mihr*: SDIM0573
Mihr*: SDIM0610-SharpenAI-Standard
Mihr*: SDIM0628-SharpenAI-Standard
Mihr*: SDIM0619-SharpenAI-Focus
Robert Petell: cerco ancora te ma è come un tramonto senza sole
Mihr*: SDQH1105
Mihr*: SDIM0586
Mihr*: SDIM0594
Mihr*: SDIM0611-SharpenAI-Motion
Mihr*: SDIM0616
Mihr*: SDIM0623
Mihr*: SDQH1120
Mihr*: SDIM0715-2-Pano
J.G.E.M: Mirando al cielo (Vaticano-Roma)
antonio castiglia: The hidden rose garden