Cultural Heritage Unlocked: Former Fu’s Hostel in West Damochang Street 西打磨廠街原福氏旅館, Dongcheng District 東城區, Beijing 北京, China, Late Qing Dynasty (1644-1912) & early Republic of China (1912-1949) 清末民初
Cultural Heritage Unlocked: No.139 Shopfront in West Damochang Street 西打磨廠街139號舖面, Dongcheng District 東城區, Beijing 北京, China, Late Qing Dynasty (1644-1912) & early Republic of China (1912-1949) 清末民初
Cultural Heritage Unlocked: No.45 Courtyard House in West Damochang Street 西打磨廠街45號四合院, Dongcheng District 東城區, Beijing 北京, China, Qing Dynasty 清代 (1644-1912)
Cultural Heritage Unlocked: No.20 Courtyard House in Xin’ge Road 新革路20號四合院, Dongcheng District 東城區, Beijing 北京, China, Republic of China 民國 (1912-1949)
Cultural Heritage Unlocked: Residence of the Yue’s Family & Tong Ren Tang Pharmaceutical Workshop 樂家老宅及同仁堂製藥作坊舊址, No.46 West Damochang Street 西打磨廠街46號, Dongcheng District 東城區, Beijing 北京, China, Qing Dynasty 清代 (1644-1912)
Cultural Heritage Unlocked: Temple of Reclining Buddha 臥佛寺, East Huashi Southern Block 東花市南里, Dongcheng District 東城區, Beijing 北京, China, modern recreation, 2007
Cultural Heritage Unlocked: Hall of Shakyamuni in the Clean Enlightenment Temple 清化寺大雄寶殿, Qinghua Street 清華街, Dongcheng District 東城區, Beijing 北京, China, Ming Dynasty 明代, 1515
Cultural Heritage Unlocked: Opera Stage of the Precious Hall of Vairocana in the Prosperity & Steadiness Temple 隆安寺毘盧寶殿戲台, Long’an Hutong 隆安胡同, Dongcheng District 東城區, Beijing 北京, China, Qing Dynasty 清代, 1708, 1831 (?)
Cultural Heritage Unlocked: Hanging-Flower Gate in the Former Residence of LI Lianying 李連英故居垂花門, East Xinglong Street 東興隆街, Dongcheng District 東城區, Beijing 北京, China, modern recreation, 2004
Cultural Heritage Unlocked: Golden Platform Academy 金臺書院, East Xiaoshi Street 東曉市街, Dongcheng District 東城區, Beijing 北京, China, Qing Dynasty 清代, 1879
Cultural Heritage Unlocked: Huashi Mosque 花市清真寺, West Huashi Street 西花市大街, Dongcheng District 東城區, Beijing 北京, China, Qing Dynasty 清代, 1770
Cultural Heritage Unlocked: Temple of the God of Fire in Huashi 花市火神廟, West Huashi Street 西花市大街, Dongcheng District 東城區, Beijing 北京, China, Qing Dynasty 清代, 1776, Republic of China 民國, 1939
moondancer2021: Hollandsche IJssel
Cultural Heritage Unlocked: Former Residence of HAO Shouchen 郝壽臣故居, Fenzhang Hutong 奮章胡同, Dongcheng District 東城區, Beijing 北京, China, Republic of China 民國, 1928
Cultural Heritage Unlocked: Temple of Lotus Sutra 法華寺, Fahuasi Street 法華寺街, Dongcheng District 東城區, Beijing 北京, China, Qing Dynasty 清代 (1644-1912)
Cultural Heritage Unlocked: Gate of No. 153 Courtyard House in East Chashi Hutong 東茶食胡同153號院大門, Dongcheng District 東城區, Beijing 北京, China, Qing Dynasty 清代 (1644-1912)
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tommao1104: 老寺
tommao1104: 悠闲
tommao1104: 鲁宾花
tommao1104: 角楼
tommao1104: 丁香
tommao1104: 郁金香