sarahstierch: Cannery Row
sarahstierch: Dining room at the Sardine Factory
Oscardaman: 1344. Monterey Bay 19
earthdog: Duck Boat
Oscardaman: 1189. Monterey Bay 17
Durfey Photography: The Lone Cypress
Pete Tillman: California sea lion, Coast Guard pier, Monterey
Oscardaman: 954. Monterey Bay 16
earthdog: Monterey
Califfoto: Monterey Bay, California
Pete Tillman: Striped blanket flower?
Pete Tillman: Dahlia at Pacific House
Pete Tillman: Blanket flower (I think)
Pete Tillman: Paciific Grove seal beach
Pete Tillman: Blanket flower, MSHP ~ Explored
Pete Tillman: Pink azaleas!