AndrewVxtc: Minifig Template
AndrewVxtc: Decal Tutorial
11inthewoods: Animal cruelty
~Sloth~: Tuto #1
AndrewVxtc: Poseable Arms Tutorial
Fine Clonier: Minifigure Customization 2 - Why Live in the Box?
R.Goff1: Sculpey/Fimo Custom Vest Tutorial
Detroitika - Tanner Jon A.: Digital Camo/Straight Edges TUTORIAL
Geoshift: Lego Painting Q&A
~Elite-Sniper~: M81 Woodland Tutorial :D
Commander Turtles: my materials
R.Goff1: Vest Tutorial
~Elite-Sniper~: tools for modding and painting
s n k y: What do YOU want to see?
AndrewVxtc: How to make poseable leg decals
R.Goff1: Essential Kit (2nd try!)
R.Goff1: Minifig Blueprint