fengtoutou: TWA Hotel
vale0065: Wheels with a touch of red
fengtoutou: Case Mountain Trail
fengtoutou: Case Mountain Trail
LubosK: that street nights
vale0065: UFO on a Wire
vale0065: Controling the Power
vale0065: Powerstation
fengtoutou: The Noguchi Museum Garden
vale0065: Straight lines
vale0065: Lets have a party tonight
vale0065: Take off
vale0065: The green one
vale0065: Working by hand
vale0065: Mission control
vale0065: Traffic jam
vale0065: No, it's not the Eifeltower
vale0065: Danger!!!
fengtoutou: Industrial Designed Toys
fengtoutou: Lees Industrial Museum at Armley Mills
vale0065: Flowermill Geel - sunset
fengtoutou: Leeds Corn Exchange
fengtoutou: Leeds Industrial Museum at Armley Mills
fengtoutou: Lees Industrial Museum at Armley Mills
fengtoutou: Leeds Corn Exchange
fengtoutou: Keighley Dalton Mills
fengtoutou: Keighley Dalton Mills
fengtoutou: Keighley Dalton Mills
fengtoutou: Keighley Dalton Mills
fengtoutou: The Museum of Science and Industry