Anomalily: Day 21: Last Call
Anomalily: Day 19: Soon It Will Be Renn Fayre, And I Will Kiss All of You
Anomalily: Day 23: The Lists Will Continue Until Morale Improves
Anomalily: Day 25: Working Hard for the...Not Money
Anomalily: Day 26: Allnighters, Doyle Owls, and Jobs
Anomalily: Day 28: 24 Hour Party Person
Anomalily: Day 29: Thesis Whiskey
Anomalily: Day 30: Let's Talk About Thesis
Anomalily: Day 32: Let's Do This
Anomalily: Day 33: Sometimes You're Just A Girl, Standing in the Road, In Front of Another Girl
Anomalily: Day 34: Thesis Status has Been Raised to Red Alert
Anomalily: Day 35: What a Difference It Makes
Anomalily: Day 36: Back to our Regularly Scheduled Mini-Existential Crisis
Anomalily: Day 39: The City Steals my Heart at Night
Anomalily: Day 40: Put a Bike On It
Anomalily: Day 41: The Don Draper Flow Chart
Anomalily: Day 43: Sleeping Like a Reedie
Anomalily: Day 44: Bookended between rabid football fans
Anomalily: Day 46: Procrastination of the Highest Order
Anomalily: Day 48: Librarian in the Stacks
Anomalily: Day 49: A Two-Handed Economist
Anomalily: Day 50: Bunny on a Bike = Thesis on Hiatus